Fire Damage Restoration

Restoring Hope After the Flames: Comprehensive Solutions for Fire-Damaged Properties

Restoring Hope, Rebuilding Lives

When fire strikes, it leaves behind not just charred remnants but also shattered lives. At First Call Restoration, we understand the urgency and emotional toll associated with fire damage. Our Fire Damage Restoration services are designed to provide not only comprehensive restoration but also the support and guidance you need during a challenging time.

Let Us Restore Your Peace of Mind

Contact First Call Restoration to schedule a consultation and let our team guide you through the fire damage restoration process. We are more than restoration experts; we're here to restore hope and rebuild lives.

Our Holistic Approach

We are committed to helping you navigate through the restoration process and rebuild your property to its pre-fire condition.
1. Emergency Response and Assessment

The client contacts the restoration company right after the fire is put out, and restoration professionals conduct an initial assessment to evaluate the extent of the damage and assess safety risks. Emergency measures like boarding up windows, tarping roofs, and securing the property are implemented to prevent further damage.

2. Damage Mitigation and Planning

Water extraction is promptly carried out to prevent mold growth and additional damage caused by firefighting efforts, while specialized cleaning techniques are used to remove smoke residues and soot particles from surfaces. A thorough assessment of structural damage resulting from the fire is conducted, followed by the development of a detailed restoration plan that outlines the scope of work and timeline.

3. Restoration and Reconstruction

Damaged structural components are repaired or replaced for stability and safety, while salvageable belongings are carefully inventoried and transported to a restoration facility for cleaning and restoration. Restoration professionals then clean, sanitize, and restore the interior of the property, including walls, floors, ceilings, and other built-in elements.

4. Interior Refinishing and Detailing

Interior surfaces are painted and finished to restore their original appearance, while damaged flooring such as carpeting, hardwood, tile, or laminate is replaced or repaired as needed. Fixture installation, including hardware and appliances, is completed, and advanced deodorization techniques are employed to eliminate smoke odors and enhance indoor air quality.

5. Final Touches and Quality Assurance

Restoration professionals conduct final inspections to ensure work meets quality standards and safety regulations, inviting the client for a walk-through of the property to review restoration work and address any concerns. Documentation of the restoration project is then finalized, including invoices, insurance paperwork, and warranties.

6. Post-Restoration Support

The restoration company follows up with the client to ensure satisfaction and address any post-restoration issues, while also providing recommendations for ongoing maintenance and care of the property. They remain available to offer continued support and assistance as needed, fostering a lasting relationship with the client.

Why Choose First Call For Fire Damage Restoration?

Trust Our Expertise for Superior Fire Damage Restoration


A team of certified professionals with extensive experience in fire damage restoration and mitigation.

Skilled Professionals

Certified technicians with expertise in fire damage restoration and the latest industry knowledge.

Advanced Technology

Utilization of state-of-the-art equipment for efficient and effective restoration.


Clear communication and collaboration with clients throughout the restoration process.

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Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in our services.
Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions, inquiries, or to request a quote.

First Call Restoration
1620 W 98th St Suite 100,
Minneapolis, MN 55431

Contact Information
  [email protected]

Our Office Hours
Monday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm

Frequently Asked Questions

First Call Restoration

1620 W 98th St Suite 100, Minneapolis, MN 55431